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Create a board


The FeatureOS create boards API allows you to create boards in your organization.



Parameter Default Description
API-KEY-Generate from organization settings on the admin dashboard.
Authorization-Generate a unique JWT token specific to a user.

Body Parameters

Parameter Default Format Description
nametrueStringName of the board (also used to create the slug)
descriptionfalseTextExplain what this board will be used for
privatefalseBooleanOnly members and admins can access private boards
defaultfalseBooleanSubmissions are not allowed for this board
read_onlyfalseBooleanSubmissions are not allowed for this board
form_headingfalseStringHeading for the board's form
form_descriptionfalseStringDescription for the form
form_titlefalseStringPlaceholder text for form title label
form_title_placeholderfalseStringPlaceholder text for form title field
form_detailsfalseStringPlaceholder text for form description label
form_details_placeholderfalseStringPlaceholder text for form description field
submission_templatefalseTextCreate pre-filled content as submission template.
submit_button_textfalseStringSubmit button text

Sample response

"success": true,
"id": 1,
"slug": "feedback",
"name": "Feedback",
"default": true,
"private": false,
"read_only": false,
"form": {
"description": null,
"details": "Your Thoughts",
"details_placeholder": "Remember, the more you tell, the more we know.",
"heading": "New Submission",
"title": "Title",
"title_placeholder": "Title of your submission",
"hello_sentence": null,
"submission_template": null,
"submit_button_text": "New Post"