Post Subscribers

featureOS Post Subscribers


The featureOS Post Subscribers API allows you to retrieve the users subscribed to a specific post and their associated data.


To authenticate with the featureOS API, you must provide an API key. You can find your API key in your featureOS account settings.

API Versioning

The featureOS API is currently in version 3 (v3). We will only make backwards compatible changes to the API. We will announce any breaking changes in advance.

Rate Limiting

The featureOS API is rate limited to 100 requests per minute per API key. If you exceed this rate limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.


Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 30 items by default. You can specify further pages with the page parameter.


If you receive an error response, it will be a JSON object with a message key containing the error message.

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